This Blog has become a forum for a number of serious Pagan women to post and create. Our object is to provide a voice.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Holiday Season by Jackie B. Steele

Warmed Blanket around me I walk into the night. So many memories from deep within the Earth calling. When we all were Matriarchal Tribal people, that remembered. The tides of Earth, Moon, & Sun deeply felt. The circle, the dancing of all the Sphere's resonating, moved us and our relations. Deeply heard with awe, migrations of spirit and physical beings who worked with the tides are still deeply felt & heard. Calling our attention, & intentions. contrary to public belief, these tides, of Sun, Moon, Earth, & stars, are the Reason for the Holiday Season. I wish for all of you however you remember, the most peaceful, compassionate, meaningful Winter Tide. Through love & the heart we all remember.
Manidoo - gizisoons (Small Spirits Moon)
Grandmother Moon waxes to fullness in the long dark in the Constellation of Gemini, she peaks on Tuesday very early 4:28 CST, from now until then, she is Beautiful, reflecting Back the light of the Sun.
In the darkness now peaking.
in the crystal cave of insight,
drifts of spirit and healing these long nights,
sharing Love with all, a humble delight.

"You will note that everything moves in a Circle......." - Black Elk.

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