This Blog has become a forum for a number of serious Pagan women to post and create. Our object is to provide a voice.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I associate the North Quadrant of my circle with the color black, the element of Earth and the Great Crone Goddess Hecate. This then is the Quadrant of wisdom, power, high magic, mystery, birth and death and Karma. The Eastern Quadrant is associated with the color yellow or gold, the element of Air and the Celtic Maiden Goddess Brigit. This then is the Quadrant of creativity, music, inspiration, new life, and hope. The Southern Quadrant is associated with the color red, the Element of Fire and the Egyptian Cat Goddess Bast, the Lady of Courage. This then is the Quadrant of strength, adventure, the quest and joy. The Western Quadrant is for me associated with the color blue, the Element Water and the Great Mother Goddess Isis. This then is the Quadrant of love, passion, empathy and compassion.

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