This Blog has become a forum for a number of serious Pagan women to post and create. Our object is to provide a voice.

Monday, August 24, 2015


the depression always arrives in October--no specific date just in October---I startled myself--since this is only august--as I found myself turning into a familiar parking lot---the one with the hair salon and thrift store next to the fake pizza place near the health food store---no advertisement on the door---just the buzzer-- I buzzed---it opened---I walked in ---"you too peno?"

ok so it is not really depression--more like anxiety--but not like the panic attacks===-sort of--- it is---it is---it is above my pay scale---can you help?
talk to me peno

I used to be ok--alright I was never ok but I was ok----not so much anymore----I can no longer deal with all the negativity---it has become physical-when I am around all the negativity i feel as though I have no control-I cannot eat---barely drink---feel weak and......--i went to the doctor and he said -the blood work was ok told me to drink protein shakes---and get a job where I am not working with the public---then he laughed and said I need to keep up therapy and trust my instincts---he did not even mention my smoking
can you come back next week

i guess

I am having the same experiences and so are many others---I need to consult---and then maybe we can all help each other-----

somehow when I left I felt better----

we are not alone----we are not alone and because of that we are blessed

pop tarts and chocolate help................................

many blessings to all


  1. Just takes my breath away. Peno, your writing is extraordinary.

  2. Dear Peno, a humbling touch and the grace of a dancer in writ.. a gift.
    Thank you
